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Adel Imam mourns Farouk al-Fishawi with one sentence. And a picture.

Adel Imam mourns Farouk al-Fishawi with one sentence. And a picture

The great Egyptian artist Adel Imam mourned his colleague Farouk Al-Fishawi, who left at dawn on Thursday, with a moving phrase and a picture.

Farouk Al-Fishawi died early Thursday, at the age of 67, from a hepatic coma, after performing his last and most difficult role in "Fighting Cancer".

Al-Fishawi surprised the artistic community and its fans last October when he was honored with the opening of the Alexandria Mediterranean Film Festival by announcing his illness.

"After some tests, tests and x-rays, my therapist told me I had cancer," he said. I will treat this disease as a headache, and with determination and determination I will triumph over this disease."

His health deteriorated rapidly over the past week before he left hours earlier.

Adel Imam posted on his official Facebook page a picture of the late star, with the caption "Survival to God in the death of the great artist Farouk Al-Fishawi".

Several films brought together the two stars, the most famous of which was "The Suspicious", directed by Samir Saif in the 1980s.

The Union of Acting Professions called the late artist in a statement that al-Fishawi was a symbol of Egyptian art. It will remain."

A large number of artists also called him on social media, including Salah Abdullah, Ahmed Al-Sakka, Mohamed Adel Imam, Amr Abdel Jalil, Rania Youssef, Ilham Shaheen, Fifi Abdo, Dounia Samir Ghanem and Iman al-Assi.

Born in 1952 in Manoufia governorate, al-Fishawi graduated from the Faculty of Arts and then joined the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts.

He began his career in the mid-1970s before appearing in the series "My Dear Sons. Thank you" with the able actor Abdel Moneim Madbouli and director Mohamed Fadel.

He then went on to film, which achieved great fame and helped him get several roles, but he proved his talent honesty after excelling in both serious and comedic roles.

Al-Fishawi presented prominent film works such as "Esoteric", "The Fatwa of the Mountain", "Harbour Monsters", "When Men Cry,"" "Palms", "The Professor Knows More", and others.

On stage, he presented "The World Is Upside", "The Princess", "Saakel, Doctor", and "The People in the Third", the last theatrical work in which he participated in "King Lear" with the actor Yahya Al-Fakhrani.

Al-Fishawi married actress Somaya al-Alfi and gave birth to Ahmed and Omar. Ahmed also entered the field of acting.

Last week, the National Theatre Festival announced that it would honor The Fishawi at its next session in August.


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