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Young Syrian discovers security gap on Facebook

Young Syrian discovers security gap on Facebook

Syrian youth Mohammed Ali al-Hammad has revealed a security vulnerability on facebook, the official Syrian news agency SANA reported On Monday.

Sana reported that the vulnerability discovered by Al Hammad threatens the accounts of users of the blue site, noting that it informed the site management to avoid the vulnerability and improve its security levels.

Al Hammad, a fourth-year computer engineering student at the Syrian Virtual University, conducted experiments on a Facebook page and tested the features in it, she said.

The Young Syrian told SANA that the operation took about 3 days in a row without sleep until he was able to reach the problem and determine its seriousness and its impact on users, and recorded this with a video sent to the management of the site.

He added that he communicated with the Facebook team through a dedicated page, and when he presented the gap there were a lot of responses about it and confirmed by users.

He added that the management of the blue site verified the existence of the loophole, noting that Facebook later informed him to close the security gap, and that he could confirm it himself, and awarded a prize of $4,000.

Al Hammad believes that the issue of security in the use of social media sites is relative and there is nothing safe in the world of the Internet, stressing: "We as young Syrians are highly intelligent. We have to believe in our abilities, despite all the circumstances and difficulties we have not failed and we have been able to achieve achievement and excellence at home and abroad."


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