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Electronic games. From "a waste of time" to a multi-billion industry

Electronic games. From "a waste of 
time" to a multi-billion industry

A world of entertainment with annual revenues exceeding global cinema revenues, is the e-gaming industry, whose annual profits are approaching $150 billion.

In 2014, e-gaming revenue was estimated at $80 billion, while the film industry averaged $40 billion in 2013.

With many looking at the world of e-sports or e-sports, it is now an important sector with an annual profit of $135 billion.

Today, universities are devoting scholarships and curricula specializing in the field of electronic games, and parents are pushing their children to be professional players in this field.

E-gaming stars

Most e-sports stars today are in their 20s, with a very high income, sometimes as high as millions of dollars.

Contracts are signed with them by management companies that take care of their interests, oversee their day-to-day affairs, and organize their participation in the world electronic games tournaments, to achieve prizes of up to millions of dollars.

Who are the most famous of these players and how much is their income?

Germany's Koro Takhsumi is ranked with $4 million, followed by John Sandelton with a fortune of $3.7 million.

Third, Jordanian player Omar Barqawi comes in with a fortune of $3.6 million, and the list includes Lebanese Maroun Marhaj, who came in eighth with a fortune of $3 million.

The other side.

Despite the huge returns of the players, it is not without physical and mental troubles, which have been monitored by several television reports, most notably:

- Lower back pain

- Joint pain and wrist pain

- Mental problems, including stress due to intense competition


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